Honda's Guaranteed Lowest Price on ServiceAt Pacific Honda

Honda's Guaranteed Lowest Price on Service
Pacific Honda will match any competitor's price on Honda repairs*
*Pacific Honda will match any national competitor's price on an identical service and/or repair. The competitor's lowest price must be verifiable (advertised price, flyer, etc) and within 30 days of the original transaction date and British Columbia. Whether a service and/or repair is "identical" will be determined by looking at product features, brand/manufacturer, mode/size/volume, and warranty.
Any questions about whether a service and/or repair is "identical" will be resolved on a case-by-case basis by the Dealer or General Manager. The Price Match Guarantee program applies to competitors' regular and sale prices. For all offers applicable taxes and fees are extra. Dealer may sell for less.
Terms, conditions, and restrictions apply. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. Ask Pacific Honda for further details.
Some conditions apply. See our dealership for details.